Monday, November 22, 2010

The Night Before Leaving...

...and all through the house,
the only one stirring was myself (where's my spouse?)
Ah yes, he was sleeping in bed with no care,
while I fret & worry about our trip there!

Ok - night time has a way of opening up some poetic weirdness for me. Everything in our house is in order - other than a huge batch of receipt scanning I want to get done so it's all ready for filing the income taxes when we return. Then early this morning - uh, make that later this morning - I just need to hop over to the bank to get a bit of US funds, cancel our internet at home for the season, pack the last of the food & toiletries, do a head count (very important when you've got 6 children) and away we go!

We couldn't get any chains in Swift Current for the RV (everybody local has to put them on order), so we will head into Regina first to get some, then top up the propane & head south towards New Mexico. Hopefully we won't have any trouble getting through the US border - that would really put a damper on things. Praying that the

Not sure how well things will go with getting wifi access, though we plan on trying to update at least once a week. Until then, happy trails ahead :)

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